Public Works News & Announcements

Snow Plow

Anti-Icing Pilot Project

This winter season, Ferguson Township will test a new program in the hopes of keeping roads safer. Commonly known as “Anti-icing”, the... more ››

Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Stormwater Fee Study Phase 2

The Stormwater Advisory Committee has requested two additional meetings in early 2020 to discuss the Stormwater Fee Study Phase 2. The... more ››

screenshot of first slide of powerpoint presentation

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting Update

The Stormwater Advisory Committee (SAC) met on Wednesday, October 23, to discuss and review the delivery of services within the Township as... more ››

picture of emblem with picture of inlet

Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) Update

Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP): The Township’s consultant, NTM Engineering, has completed the updated modeling for the MS4 (Municipal... more ››


Stormwater management: How can you get involved in community service?

When it comes to seasonal storms, we are at the mercy of nature.  While we cannot control when, where and how severe the next storm will be... more ››
