
A sense of community, friendly people, and beautiful scenery are some of the qualities that make Ferguson Township a special place for our approximately 19,000 residents. Ferguson Township residents live close to downtown State College yet are able to enjoy the scenic vistas and stunning landscapes of rural Ferguson — combining the best of two worlds.

Demographics: 63 percent of Ferguson Township residents are ages 18 - 59; 14.1 percent are age 65 or older; 12.5 percent are 5 - 17. Of those ages 18 - 59, 33 percent are male, 30 percent are female. More than sixty-eight percent (68.5) of the Township population is of working age, and the majority of homes is owner-occupied. 

Ferguson Township provides essential services to residents throughout the year. Our Public Works crews are hard at work making our Township roads, public areas, and shared walking and bicycle paths look and function at their best. They strive daily to make improvements for the good of the Township.

Ferguson Township has also been ranked as the fifth best suburb in Pennsylvania and one of the state's safest communities. We're also a bike-friendly community.

Ferguson Township is dedicated to communicating with residents and providing opportunities to be heard, from monthly e-Newsletters and biannual print newsletters, to quarterly gatherings over Coffee & Conversation and forums for homeowner and condo associations. Learn more about Staying Informed and getting involved.