RE: Ferguson Township Considering Proposed Stormwater Fee

Stormwater Drain

FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, PA – Ferguson Township hosted a virtual public meeting on Wednesday, June 25 at 6:00 pm to discuss a proposed Stormwater Fee and answer questions. The purpose of the presentation was to provide information to residents about the Stormwater Fee Feasibility Study.

The costs associated with the maintenance and replacement of the Township's stormwater infrastructure have grown over the years as the system size and complexities have increased as the system ages. Additionally, the Township's Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requires capital expenditures for pollution reduction measures and increased permit compliance costs. Our local streams are a Township-wide issue, too, that need addressed to minimize the effect of pollution generated from stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces.

The study took part in two phases. The goal of the first phase was to determine whether a Stormwater Fee was feasible in Ferguson Township. Ferguson Township established a Stormwater Advisory Committee (SAC) to provide advice and input into identifying the problems, needs, and issues within the current stormwater program. Phase one concluded in 2018, and found that a Stormwater Fee is feasible in the Township to meet long-term goals; establish a dedicated revenue stream; address needs; and sustain infrastructure.

Ferguson Township entered into a contract with Wood, a UK-based consulting firm with offices worldwide, for the second phase of the Stormwater Fee Study. During phase two, the stormwater advisory committee is providing guidance on the level of service, fee structure, and credit program. Phase two of the study is nearing completion and the consultant is preparing a cost model based on the level of service to establish a fee. The fee as proposed would be assessed to all properties based on impervious coverage on site. It would then be eligible for credits depending on measures a property owner takes to mitigate runoff.

A postcard was sent out to all property owners in Ferguson Township earlier this month to invite residents to submit questions and attend this public meeting. The postcard guided residents to the Ferguson Township website to submit any questions prior to the meeting via an online form. Leading up to the event, Ferguson Township released stormwater education material on its social media pages to help residents become informed leading up to the meeting.

The public meeting was hosted virtually with panelists including David Pribulka, Township Manager; David Modricker, Public Works Director; Ron Seybert, Township Engineer; and consultants Virginia Thornton of Gannett Fleming and Elizabeth Treadway of Wood.

The presentation began with Wood presenting the findings of the study from ongoing discussions between project consultants, Township staff, and the Stormwater Advisory Committee. The presentation explained that a fee has the ability to assess properties based on their contribution to the need for stormwater management – as opposed to a tax which would be levied regardless of factors like impervious area. Two potential Fee Structures were outlined giving examples of what a parcel may have to pay based on the amount of impervious area (a hard area that doesn't allow water to seep into the ground and creates stormwater runoff). The fee, if enacted, would be applied to commercial and agricultural properties, as well as residential.

After the presentation, the panelists went through the questions submitted via the online form. Attendees also had the option to call in with their questions or submit them via the webinar.

Residents asked excellent questions which helped provide clarity on the Stormwater Fee and gave staff and the consultants additional items to consider. The questions and answers from the session will be posted on the Ferguson Township website.

The Stormwater Advisory Committee will meet for its final time in July 2020 to discuss and determine a recommendation on the Stormwater Fee Program for future consideration by the Board of Supervisors.

For more information on Ferguson Township’s Proposed Stormwater Fee and the Stormwater MS4 Program, visit under the “Stormwater Fee” tab.