Post-Construction Stormwater Management

Stormwater Management in Construction Diagram

Ferguson Township's Stormwater Management Program has been implemented to convey, treat, and monitor stormwater. It is regulated through the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program. Through this program, Ferguson Township is issued a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. There are six Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) that are required as part of the permit. One of these MCMs is to ensure that Best Management Practices (BMPs) are implemented regarding construction activities.

Ferguson Township revised their Stormwater Ordinance back in 2016 which details stormwater management standards for all land development in the Township. As our community grows, so does the amount of impervious surface such as roads, rooftops, driveways and parking lots. Rainfall picks up pollutants from these impervious surfaces which then run into streams and other bodies of water. Low Impact Development (LID) helps combat this issue and is encouraged by the Township as part of the Stormwater Ordinance. LID refers to practices that minimize impervious cover and use natural or man-made systems. Examples of LID practices include permeable pavement, rain gardens, and curbless streets. These practices reduce stormwater runoff, allowing time for it to soak back into the ground without flooding local rivers and streams with pollutants. The Township wants to conserve natural areas wherever possible and plan construction to have a lower effect on the natural habitat. 

Ferguson Township maintains a map and inventory of all BMPs that have been approved and constructed since 2003. Each BMP is inspected within a 5-year period to ensure they are compliant with the NPDES permit.

Click here to learn more about Ferguson Township's Stormwater Management Program.