Oak Tree Pruning Ban to Prevent the Spread of Oak Wilt: April 1 - October 31


Spring is upon us, and while many will be spending more time cleaning up their yards, Ferguson Township residents are asked to pay special attention to the Township's Ordinance on Street Trees and Park Trees: Violations and Penalties, which prohibits the pruning of oak trees from April 1 through October 31.

Oak wilt is a fungal disease that affects oak trees, and as infected trees cannot be cured, spread prevention is critical.

The disease is transmitted by beetles which are attracted to fresh wounds in a tree's outer layers. Such wounds are caused by pruning limbs and climbing trees using spurs or spikes.

Please do your part to prevent the spread of oak wilt, and feel free to contact Township Arborist Larry Maginnis if you have any questions or suspect a tree may have oak wilt. The Arborist can be reached by email at lmaginnis@twp.ferguson.pa.us or by phone at (814) 238-4651.