Continued Discussion on the Stormwater Utility Fee Ordinance

Stormwater Drain

The Ferguson Township Board of Supervisors hosted a Public Hearing on the Stormwater Management Utility Fee Ordinance on  October 5th. Over 180 participants joined the virtual meeting which was held in a webinar format. Township staff created a Google form so those who wanted to speak could easily sign up. Township Manager, David Pribulka facilitated the public hearing. Over 20 attendees  which included homeowners, business owners, and representatives of the agricultural community provided their thoughts on the Stormwater Fee to members of the Board. 

The Board requested staff provide additional information for their next meeting and did approve a motion to amend the ordinance to cap the maximum fee for a working farm with thirty percent or less impervious area on the farm to a limit of twice the median fee for all property owners. This significantly reduces the fee impact to farmers. 

The Board will continue discussion of the proposed Stormwater Management Utility Fee at the regular meeting on Monday, October 19th. Residents are encouraged to attend and stay informed. Meeting information can be found here. The public hearing will be scheduled for a Regular Meeting in November at the earliest.

To learn more about Stormwater in the Township, visit our "Stormwater Fee Tab" on our homepage.