Winter Driving Safety & Snow Parking

Driving in the Snow

Winter weather is here and with it icy roads and low visibility. The Ferguson Township Police Department has a few tips to ensure your safely while driving during these winter storms:

  1. Check to ensure your tires have enough tread and air
  2. Check your battery and headlights
  3. Keep at least half a tank of gas in your vehicle
  4. Check the weather before you go out
  5. BUCKLE UP! (always)
  6. Drive slower when you see snow and ice on the roads
  7. Know your brakes - how much pressure to put on them to ensure you stop in time
  8. Increase your following distance between other cars
  9. Gain speed BEFORE you approach a hill rather than on it and maintain that speed, your tires will just spin!
  10. Use caution while around snow plows

In any event of an accident, call 9-1-1 and safely move your vehicle off to the side if possible.

In addition, the Ferguson Township Police Department would like to remind everyone that following a snowfall accumulating two inches or more all vehicles must be removed from the streets.  Vehicles that remain on the street will be ticketed and or towed.

By moving your vehicle, this allows for the safe and efficient removal of snow from streets within the Township.