Back to School Road Safety: School Bus Red Light Laws


With the start of the school year, motorists need to share the roads with school buses throughout the day. Frequent stops and young children crossing roads and waiting near traffic require motorists to be extra vigilant.

In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to pass a school bus when its red lights are flashing and stop arm is extended. When a school bus has flashing yellow lights, it is preparing to stop. Vehicles approaching or following a bus with flashing yellow lights should slow down and prepare to stop.

When the lights on a school bus flash red and the STOP arm extends, it is time to stop. Vehicles approaching the bus and those following it must leave at least 10 feet of space.

Wait until children have safely cleared the road and the bus has turned off it's red lights before proceeding.

All school buses in the State College Area School District are equipped with cameras. Any violations will be recorded and sent to the police for prosecution. Offenders will face a $250 fine, 5 points on their driving record, and a 60-day license suspension.

red light laws

For more information, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s School Bus Safety page.