Centre Region COG Centre Region Climate Action and Adaptation Plan

Centre Region Climate Action

At its meeting on Monday, October 4, 2021, Pam Adams, CRCOG’s Sustainability Planner, provided a presentation on the climate action and adaption planning process and the CAAP to the Ferguson Township Board of Supervisors.

The CRCOG, in collaboration with its six member municipalities, has drafted a Centre Region Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) to make the Centre Region a more healthy, equitable, resilient, and sustainable community. The draft Climate Action and Adaptation Plan can be found here: https://www.crcog.net/caap

The CAAP provides a framework for the community to begin reducing its greenhouse (GHG) emissions and adapting to a changing climate. It will serve as a guide for governmental entities, residents, businesses, and community organizations to take an active part in the transition to a
low carbon future, prepare for the impacts of climate change, and create a healthier and more prosperous community.

Residents are encouraged to submit comments via a comment form, attend a municipal meeting, or sign up for Centre Sustains Newsletter.

For more information on CRCOG’s climate action planning process visit: https://www.crcog.net/climateaction. If you have any questions about the CAAP, please contact Pam Adams,Sustainability Planner at padmas@crcog.net.

PDF icon 21.10.04_caap_report_to_ferguson.pdf5.94 MB