C-NET is the Government and Educational Access Network for Centre County, Pennsylvania. The organization manages two channels on the Comcast Cable system (Channel 7 and 98), along with the C-NET website, and Roku, Apple TV and Amazon Fire platforms where programming is also available to be viewed online.

C-NET broadcasts Ferguson Township Board of Supervisors (BOS) meetings, BOS Work Sessions, and Planning Commission meetings. Meetings are available to watch, free of charge, online at www.cnet1.org.

View C-NET's Guide to Programming for Ferguson Township.

Ferguson Township Board of Supervisors meetings are televised live, with additional airings at the times below during the six days following a meeting: 

  • Thursday at 9 am
  • Friday at 6 am
  • Saturday at 12 am

Planning Commission meetings follow the same schedule as above but on alternate weeks.
Board of Supervisors Work Sessions do not have a regular air time, but recordings are typically shared on the Township's FaceBook and Twitter accounts within a few days.

The programs air on Channel 7.

Note: When a meeting takes place outside its usual schedule, it may air the following week instead. These are general guidelines for C-NET scheduling. Schedules are subject to change. Programs are posted within 72 hours and remain available online for approximately one year. DVD copies are available.

View the livestream Board of Supervisors meetings on C-NET's YouTube channel.

You can also view various meetings that have previously streamed:

For more information about C-NET, contact its office by email or by calling (814) 238-5031.