What is the Tree Commission?

Tree Commission

The Ferguson Township Tree Commission is one of the Township’s Authorities, Boards and Commissions (ABCs), made up of five resident volunteers appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The members are invited to participate based on education, experience or demonstrated interest in the fields of arboriculture, forestry, horticulture, landscape architecture, or urban design.

The Commission's role is advisory to the Public Works Director and the Township Manager. It advises on the planting, design, maintenance, management, and removal of street, park, and other public trees. 

Examples of advice the Commission offers include such things as: recommendations of tree species for planting in public areas, education on strategies for controlling diseases and pests damaging trees, public education programs concerning the importance and care of trees, suggestions for landscape design, and other ordinances.

The Commission also aids township staff by reviewing appeals by property owners of nonemergency orders by the Public Works Director to eliminate tree related public hazards and nuisances, as well reviews tree planting plans for developments.

The Commission provides public outreach to educate the public about the environmental, aesthetic, human health, and economic benefits to the Township’s citizens, local businesses, and neighborhood associations of both publicly- and privately-owned trees and green space. Ferguson Township is fortunate to have 47% of its area covered by tree canopy, yet there is always more to do to help residents care well for their trees and natural areas.

Tree Commission members appreciate receiving input from residents on ideas and concerns regarding public tree and educational programming. Residents are encouraged to attend monthly tree commission meetings. To learn more about the Commission’s meeting calendar, recent undertakings, and contact information, click here.