Participate in the Centre County Active Transportation Plan Survey


Centre County residents can help the Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization with its first Active Transportation Plan by providing feedback through the survey and web mapping application at the following link: Centre County Active Transportation Plan Survey

The survey includes questions about active transportation modes (walking, bicycling, wheeling, etc.). The web mapping application allows respondents to express their safety and connection concerns when it comes to walking, bicycling, wheeling by placing the appropriate point on the map and providing comments.

The purpose of the Centre County Active Transportation Plan is to engage people from all parts of Centre County, to review existing conditions, and to assist in the development of a prioritized list of possible future projects that will improve conditions for bikes, pedestrians, and wheels. Wheels includes other forms of transportation such as scooters, horse and buggy and ATV. The long-term goal is to aid communities and municipalities in Centre County to establish activity-friendly and transportation routes that connect people to everyday destinations such as work and the store, as well as expanding opportunities for physical activity and improving public health.

Direct any comments or questions to Anne Messner, Senior Transportation Planner at the Centre County Metropolitan Planning Organization at

Visit for more information on the Centre County Active Transportation Plan.