Township Treebune Vol 3: When to Contact the Ferguson Township Arborist

The Ferguson Township Tree Commission guest-writes this edition of the Township Treebune with scenarios on when to contact the Township Arborist.
Township Treebune Vol. 3

Ferguson Township Tree Commission - Ferguson Township is fortunate to have a Township Arborist on staff. This person is a resource for the Township and its residents. However, the Arborist may or may not always be the right contact to make. Below are circumstances when community members should contact the Township Arborist.

First, a recap of why Ferguson Township employees a full-time Arborist. Trees are living investments in the Township’s current and future well-being and funding is allocated to improve and maintain the Township’s tree population. Trees perform ecosystem functions that have health, safety and financial payoffs to the Township beyond aesthetic value. These include reducing heat-island effects, erosion control, ground water filtration, wind-breaks along with increasing property value. 

On behalf of the Township residents, the Ferguson Township Arborist is the dedicated expert responsible for the health and safety considerations of these public investments namely within parks and within public road right-of-ways.

Street trees are located in the Right-of-way and generally street lawn area between the side walk and curb. In some instances the Right-of-way is not easily identifiable. Contact the Township Arborist if you are unsure whether the tree is located on public or private property.


The Township Arborist does have authority over trees on private or public property that pose a hazard to the public or property in the public right of way.

Sick trees on public property:

Contact the Township Arborist if you notice public trees that appear to be dead, dying, diseased, rotting or experiencing a pest infestation in the trunk, limbs or canopy.

Tree planting:

If you would like to have a street tree planted along your property, the Township Arborist can help. Street tree planting, removal, and maintenance is funded and performed by the Township.

Tree care including watering, fertilizing, pruning, removal:

If you have a tree near your property which you would like to fertilize, prune or remove but are unsure whether it belongs to the Township, the Township Arborist will assess the tree at no charge to residents. It is best to check with the Arborist before pruning  any tree you did not plant yourself on your property. Individuals who prune, remove or otherwise take actions to degrade the health of a tree that is later determined to be a Township tree will be financially responsible for damage and replacement costs which can be upwards of $1,000.

Designating Heritage Trees: If a public or private tree or stand of trees is believed to be at least 75 years old and have historic importance, contact the Township Arborist to find out how to nominate this tree as a Heritage Tree.  Once a tree is nominated and inspected by the Township Arborist, the tree will be presented to the Tree Commission for consideration, with final approval coming from the Board of Supervisors. With this designation  the Township takes over the cost of tree maintenance and preservation including pruning.

Designating Significant Trees:

Nominating a Significant Tree. A Significant Tree is considered any tree or stand of trees that is of landmark importance due to age, size, species, horticultural quality, or historic importance. These trees are typically younger or smaller than a Heritage Tree. These types of trees can be approved by the Tree Commission and have no limit on the amount designated per year. The Township does not maintain Significant Trees.

When to contact an industry Arborist

You may want to contact an industry arborist if you have concerns regarding private trees posing a hazard to other private property. (Note: you may also contact the Centre Region Code Administration).  You may also want to contact an industry arborist or tree care specialist regarding any tree care on your private property. Some tree professionals are certified arborists. You can determine who is right for you. If you are suspicious of oak wilt, whether a private or public tree, contact the Township Arborist.

Ferguson Township Arborist contact information:
Phone: (814) 238-4651