Thank You Supporters! - Tom Tudek Memorial Park Raises $2,794.00 During Centre Gives

Overall, Centre Gives participants donated a total of $2,180,591 through 15,577 individual donations.
Pam and Doug Ford
Pam & Doug Ford, Snetsinger Butterfly Garden at Tom Tudek Memorial Park

Centre Gives, the Centre Region's largest fundraising event aside from THON, was held May 10 - May 11, 2022.

Each year, Tom Tudek Memorial Park participates to raise money for the trust that bears its name, and this year the park was proud to raise $2,794.00 towards its trust with 39 individual donations! Ferguson Township promoted the event through social media and by creating a video to highlight the great amenities of the park, featuring Doug and Pam Ford of the Snetsinger Butterfly Garden at Tudek Park!

Tudek Park Centre Gives Amounts

Overall, Centre Gives participants donated a total of $2,180,591 towards local nonprofits via 15,577 individual donations. The Centre Foundation has organized the event for 11 years, and over 200 nonprofits joined the event in 2022.

Thank you to the Centre Foundation and all the supporters of Tom Tudek Memorial Park this year! 

CentreGives 2022 - Tom Tudek Memorial Park (Snetsinger Butterfly Garden)