Survey Results and Virtual Town Hall

Survey Results

Ferguson Township invited residents to participate in a 6-question survey. In response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Ferguson Township’s Crisis Communication Team released and promoted the short survey on Friday, May 8, to understand if the Township should consider expanding their communication and outreach efforts. The survey closed on Monday, May 18, with 159 responses.  According to the survey, the most popular sources for COVID-19 information include: National news websites (76.10%), Pennsylvania Department of Health (64.15%), Local and national TV channels (61.01%), Ferguson Township's Weekly Email (23.27%), and Ferguson Township's website (16.98%).

Over 60 of respondents expressed interest in Ferguson Township hosting a Virtual Town Hall. Some of the most popular topics for the Town Hall included Reopening Centre County (71.58%), Ferguson Township Services (48.42%), and Regional services (48.42%).  Township staff are also using the open-ended responses to help determine what topics are of most interest to residents and ways to disseminate requested information.

Thank you to the residents that responded to the survey. We are happy to announce that the Township will host an online Town Hall for residents to attend. Please stay tuned for more details on the event.