Presenting the 2019 Budget Executive Summary

Township Municipal Building

If you're wondering what it costs to provide public services to you on a daily basis, Ferguson Township's 2019 Budget Executive Summary is a good place to look.

This 34-page document serves to supplement the Ferguson Township Strategic Plan, Annual Operating Budget, Five-Year Capital Improvement Program, and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Audit) by providing some useful information to help you better understand how Ferguson Township uses your tax dollars. 

Learn about the Township’s 2018 Accomplishments and 2019 Initiatives, the Budget Process and Overview, a Description of Township Funds, Where the Money Comes From and Where it Goes, including the cost per resident for essential daily services such as Public Safety and Public Works, as well as Regional Services.

The Table of Contents is hyperlinked for easy viewing of each section

This year's operating budget provides for more than $12.7 million in expenditures in the General Fund.

Capital projects include $3.3 million in road projects, $5.66 million in buildings, $1.16 million in capital equipment, $498,000 in storm water mitigation and $336,500 in park projects.

The budget does not include any general tax increases, yet uses $974,000 in the existing fund balance to balance the budget.

Total governmental revenue is budgeted at $27.8 million (including $8.66 million in interfund transfers).  Total revenue includes $10.1 million for general taxes. The remaining revenue includes debt proceeds of $5 million for the 2019 - 2020 public works building and other capital needs. The remaining revenue comes from grants and operations.

The ending general fund balance is sufficient for current needs.