Manager's Resignation: David Pribulka, Ferguson Township Manager

David Pribulka has served the residents of Ferguson Township for nine years.
Manager's Resignation: David Pribulka, Ferguson Twp Manager
David Pribulka, Ferguson Township Manager in Ferguson Town Chambers. Photo by Nick Beiling

David Pribulka, Ferguson Township Manager, formally announced his resignation at the Board of Supervisors meeting on January 3, 2022.

Pribulka has served Ferguson Township for over 9 years, beginning as Assistant Township Manager in October 2012. His final day with Ferguson Township will be on March 1, 2022.

When asked about his favorite accomplishments during his tenure, Mr. Pribulka noted the construction of the new Ferguson Township Public Works Facility.

“Every time I drive by it, I smile a little bit,” said Pribulka.

“It’s a great facility, and it took a lot of work on the part of a lot of people, but it came together. We really have something for the next 40 years or more that will provide great services for our community and meet the needs of our staff.” He also noted that the facility, “…commits to sustainability and other initiatives that we prioritized as a municipality over the years, and it’s a demonstration we’re putting our money where our mouth is.”

Strong community engagement, an enhanced website, and quality services are also areas that Pribulka is particularly proud of during his time as Township Manager, along with creating a positive and inclusive culture among staff at Ferguson Township.

“We provide our residents with opportunities to engage through just about every platform of media that they're comfortable with - they can attend in person, virtually, they can get their news electronically and paper, and through social media. We have used all the tools at our disposal and committed to the idea of community engagement and having citizens involved in their governance.”

Reflecting on lessons learned over his more than 9 years with the Township, Mr. Pribulka noted that having an open mind is crucial to effective governance, and understanding that local government’s role in the community evolves continuously over time.

“It's easy to put up barriers about why an initiative can't happen the way an elected official, or a group of residents, think it should happen. However, it's a lot more challenging to step back from that and remove those barriers. I’ve really tried to embody that mindset to instill a vision for the Township that doesn't disregard the institutions that we operate within, but also doesn't immediately close the door to new opportunities for local government to make progress, like on climate action and inclusivity.”

Going forward, Mr. Pribulka feels the Township is in “great hands”, and he feels accomplished in his tenure with Ferguson Township. He notes that the Township’s efforts to improve work/life balance, and to provide forward-thinking amenities, such as remote work opportunities and parental leave, are all points of pride in improving the morale and quality of life of Township staff.

As for those he would like to thank during his tenure with Ferguson Township, Mr. Pribulka stated, “I certainly want to thank the Board of Supervisors, the staff, especially the leadership team, but all staff here, and the residents of Ferguson Township. If I didn't have the support that I have from those three groups, I never would have been able to have the success that I think I had while I was here. I feel so touched, especially with the outpouring of support that I've had, in the last couple of weeks as I've announced that I'm moving on. It's really just been it's been very touching.”

One specific person he would like to thank is former Ferguson Township Manager, Mark Kunkle, who preceded Mr. Pribulka.

“I think his foresight, and not only hiring me as Assistant Manager, but giving me the latitude to start to making headway in some of the areas that I've referenced, particularly with respect to community engagement and outreach, has really launched my passion for local government.

Dave will begin on March 1st as Township Manager in Susquehanna Township, Dauphin County.