Ferguson Township Commits to Purchasing 90% Solar Energy

solar power

On February 21, 2023, the Ferguson Township Board of Supervisors, in a vote of four to one, agreed to commit to the purchase of 90% solar power to satisfy the Township's energy needs.

This decision is part of the Solar Power Purchasing Agreement (SPPA) which is a commitment to invest in solar energy and will offer the Township economic, environmental, and social benefits. The SPPA is made up of 15 entities and they can be found on the Centre Region Council of Governments website.

What does the Township's commitment to purchase 90% of its energy from solar power mean to you?
Ferguson Township will benefit from an annual reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of 310 MT (metric tons) which is:

  • equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions from 769,484 miles driven by an average gasoline-powered passenger vehicle.
  • equivalent to CO2 emissions from 60.3 homes' electricity use for one year.
  • equivalent to carbon sequestered by 367 acres of U.S. forests in one year.

There are financial benefits to the SPPA as well. Because solar energy is competitive with future market prices, it provides budget certainty for the Township, including:

  • projected savings of $3,400 in the first year
  • projected savings of between $50-$75,000 over the 15-year life of the project

Ferguson Township adopted a Community and Environmental Bill of Rights in 2012 which calls for the "Right to a Sustainable Energy Future. All residents in Ferguson Township possess a right to a sustainable energy future, which includes, but is not limited to, the development, production, and use of energy from renewable and sustainable fuel sources." The Board of Supervisors went on to adopt a Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions Resolution on June 19, 2017. The Resolution calls for the Township to achieve net zero green house gas emissions by 2050. Ferguson Township's commitment to the SPPA brings the Township one step closer to these goals.

More information about the SPPA can be found at: https://www.crcog.net/sppa-project