Centre Region COG sets Goals for Climate Action

Centre Region Council of Governments

At its meeting on Monday, July 27, 2020 the Centre Region Council of Governments (COG) General Forum adopted Resolution 2020-1 which identifies four actions that support a community effort to bring long term benefits to the region by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapting to climate change. The first action of the resolution states that the COG shall:

  1. Immediately begin to develop a regional plan to: 
  • Achieve a 45% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 based on 2010 levels
  • Achieve an 80% reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 based on 2010 levels
  • Offset the remaining 20% of GHG emissions in 2050 with carbon offset projects to be carbon neutral in 2050
  • Engage peer governmental entities, non-governmental organizations, businesses, and universities to (i) raise awareness of climate change, (ii) identify and encourage courses of action to reduce the amount of GHG emissions, (iii) identify and encourage courses of action to lessen the impacts of changing climate conditions and (iv) embrace the opportunities of climate adaptation.

The Centre Regional Planning Agency (CRPA), in collaboration with the six COG member municipalities, will be developing pragmatic, fiscally responsible strategies to mitigate GHG emissions and adapt to changing climate conditions. Partnerships throughout our community and active citizen engagement will be key to creating and implementing a successful climate action and adaptation plan.

The CRPA completed a GHG emissions inventory earlier this year and found that 67% of the Centre Region GHG emissions came from energy consumption in 2016, and that energy is one of the largest operating costs that municipalities incur. Municipal actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy efficiency and protect the region from climate vulnerabilities provide multiple local benefits by decreasing air pollution, creating jobs, reducing energy expenditures, and saving money for the local government, businesses, and residents.

Find more information about the Centre Region’s action on climate change in the resolution and Sustainable Centre Region website. Watch the General Forum Meeting on C-Net.