Board of Supervisors Make Two Proclamations

Census 2020 and 8-1-1 Dig

At the January 20 Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting, the Board made two proclamations: "The month of April will be Pennsylvania 811 Safe Digging Month in Ferguson Township" and "Ferguson Township is partnering with the U.S. Census Bureau to help ensure a full and accurate count in 2020".

The first proclamation was regarding the national phone number, 811. Utility lines run underground all over Ferguson Township, sometimes only a few inches below the surface. If you are planning a excavation project, dial 8-1-1 and inform the call center of your intention to dig. With the information you provide, 811 will notify utility companies in your area so they can come out and mark where their lines are to prevent damage. No project is too small: notify 811 before planting a small flower bed or tree, installing a mailbox post, or replacing a driveway at least 3 business days before. The Board proclaimed that the month of April will be considered "Pennsylvania 811 Safe Digging Month" and shall involve education efforts regarding the service.

The second proclamation made by the Board of Supervisors is that Ferguson Township is now a partner of the Census Bureau. U.S. Census Bureau is required by the U.S. Constitution to conduct a count of the population. The data collected by the census helps determine how many seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives. As a 2020 Census partner, the Township will share the importance of the 2020 Census with residents and encourage residents to respond to the census.

You can find both proclamations attached below. Visit the Board of Supervisors Homepage here. To find out more about these organizations, visit and