2022 Authorities, Boards, & Commissions Picnic Held at Ferguson Township

The picnic was held at the new Public Works Building #6.
ABC Picnic

On June 02, 2022, Ferguson Township hosted its first in-person Authorities, Boards, & Commissions (ABC) Appreciation Picnic since 2019 at the new Public Works Building.

The event is normally held every year by the township, and is meant to give thanks to the dedicated volunteer community members that serve on various ABCs for Ferguson Township.

All members of the Board of Supervisors attended, with Chair Dininni providing opening remarks, following with keynote speakers, Pam & Doug Ford of the Snetsinger Butterfly Garden, who provided a remote presentation on all the environmental work they do in the Township and the Centre Region.

The event was coordinated by Township staff and volunteers, along with catering provided by the Twilight Diner BBQ food truck.

Ferguson Township greatly appreciates all our tireless and committed volunteers who serve the Township and our community on the ABCs at the Township, and looks forward to future events to show appreciation for our volunteers.

Pam and Doug Ford Snetsinger Butterfly Garden Board of Supervisor Roster