150th Arbor Day Celebration at Tudek Park

Join Ferguson Township in celebrating an in-person event to commemorate Arbor Day!
150th Arbor Day Celebration at Tudek Park

Please join Ferguson Township in celebrating the 150th anniversary of Arbor Day at Tom Tudek Memorial Park on Saturday, April 30 at 4:00 p.m

Ferguson Township is home to plentiful greenspace and always aims to protect and honor the trees and woodlands of the township. We are delighted to join the global holiday by emphasizing tree planting and care for our natural environment.

The celebration will also include activities, such as:

  • Arts and Crafts for Children
  • Unveiling of a Self-interpretive Pop-Up Arboretum
  • Guided Tree Walk with Township Arborist, Larry Maginnis

The event will conclude with a tree planting and an Arbor Day Proclamation.  Tom Tudek Memorial Park is located at: 400 Herman Drive, State College, PA 16803, and the festivities will kick-off at Pavilion #1.