Fairbrook Park Grow Zone

Grow zone sign

Grow Zones are designated areas that will not be mowed regularly to help provide natural and diverse habitat areas that bring environmental, educational and cost reduction benefits

The busiest areas of Fairbrook Park will still be mowed on a regular basis so that visitors can continue to enjoy the fields, playgrounds, facilities and other high-use areas.

The designated Grow Zone area is a collaborative effort of the Township, Centre Region Parks and Recreation (CRPR), the Centre County Planning Agency (CRPA), the Township’s Parks and Recreation Committee, and community residents. Park visitors are encouraged to share their comments on the Grow Zone area directly with CRPR, or with Centrice Martin, Assistant to the Township Manager, and provide comments through a survey.

Grow Zone signs are installed and visible at Fairbrook Park to mark the new no-mow zones and to inform park visitors about the Grow Zone project.

The Township recognizes that residents are more familiar with our parks being maintained and mowed regularly. Please be patient as we transition back to nature in our first designated Grow Zone area in a developed park.

Residents will find information about tick identification and prevention at these Centers for Disease Control sites: