Scams & Fraud

Fraud and scam warning

Millions of people find themselves victims of scams and fraud every year.  Some common fraud and scam cases involve telemarketing fraud, internet and investment-related scams, and schemes that target senior citizens. 

Fortunately, you can educate yourself on scams and frauds to help you avoid becoming a victim of these types of crimes.  The Ferguson Township Police have compiled the following resources to help residents. 

Federal Bureau of Investigation

  • This section of the FBI's site lists common frauds and scams plus gives information on how to avoid them.

  • This is the U.S. Government's official web portal and this section lists consumer scams and fraud information.

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) 

  • A Web site which provides victims a way to report suspected criminal or civil internet violations, with in-depth information on the latest internet schemes and prevention tips.