Harner Farm Subdivision

Proposal map

Harner Farm Subdivision
Corner of Whitehall Road and College Avenue
State College, PA 16801


Penn Terra Engineering, Inc. on behalf of the applicant, Aspen Whitehall Partners LLC submitted a Plan for the subdivision of tax parcel 24-4-67 and replot of tax parcel 24-4-67C.  The purpose of this plan is to subdivide Tax Parcel 24-4-67 into four (4) lots, replot Tax Parcel 24-4-67C and dedicate land from Tax Parcel 24-4-67 to Ferguson Township Right of Way.  In conjunction with this Subdivision/Replot Plan is a Land Development Plan for the State College, PA Whitehall Road Sheetz.


Subdivision Plan and Replot Plan


General Commercial

Current Site Use

Agriculture/Single Family Home

The majority of this property (Tax Parcel 24-004-067/067A) is vacant, but also has a single family home.