Strategic Plan Update 2021/2022

Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan Meeting at Discovery Space

Ferguson Township Strategic Plan provides direction to Township staff on goals for the future. In short, the strategic plan addresses "Where We Are…Where We Are Going…How We Are Going to Get There.

It is Ferguson Township’s mission to provide efficient, cost effective, professional services to our residents in a fair, cooperative, ethical and honest manner. The Township will endeavor to manage its resources allowing planned, sustainable growth while preserving the quality of life and its unique characteristics.

Ferguson Township engaged Polity to lead this initiative. Polity focused on the requirements set forth by Ferguson Township as guidance for the project methodology. 

Public Engagement

A Public Opinion Survey was conducted which allowed residents to offer their opinions and suggestions about the future of Ferguson Township and the Strategic Plan Update. 

November 30, 2021

Ferguson Township hosted a business-community meeting at Ferguson Township where a varied group of Township-based business representatives attended. The attendees expressed a lot of positive feedback on why they had located and stayed within the Township. The attendees pointed to Township communication and the zoning ordinance as concerns.

November 17, 2021

Polity facilitated a resident-community meeting at Discovery Space, which hosted many residents who engaged in enlightening discussion and debate.  Key topics that emerged from the event included environmental stewardship, affordable housing, and municipal engagement. The dialogue was so engaging that the meeting exceeded the reserved window of time. View past event details here.

Scope of Work

Polity implemented the Baldridge Excellence Framework into the strategic plan, which helped guide the strategic plan through identifying key performance metrics and indicators that can serve as benchmarks for the Board of Supervisors, staff, stakeholders, and citizens.